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Abstract Data Type (ADT)

 Abstract Data Type (ADT):

  • ADT define as "A Mathematical model of the data objects that make up a data type as well as the functions that operates on these objects".
  • Structured data type which may be a combination or collection of basic data types with a set of properties and legal operationsthat may be performed on it by programmer. Programmers own data type is termes as Abstract Data Type (ADT).

                            ADT = Type + Function Names + Behavior Of Each Function

  • An Abstract Data Type Includes:
  1. Domain: A collection of data.
  2. Functions: A set of operations on the data or subset odfdata.
  3. Axioms: A set of axioms, or rules of behavior governing the interaction of operations.

Advantages of ADT:
  1. ADT is reusable and ensures robust data structure.
  2. Encapsulation ensuers that data can not be corrupted.
  3. It reduces coding efforts.
  4. The ADT is a useful guideline to implements and a useful and a useful tool to programmers who wish to use the data type correctly.
  5. Implementation details hiding.   
